Work Motivation – A Rock Music Video Playlist to Get Shit Done

It’s Friday and you’re probably on cup of coffee number 10. You look up at the clock, nope. It’s not even Noon yet and you definitely just looked at the clock 2 minutes after the last time. The only thing more grueling is when you forget your head phones on cardio day and spend what feels like a week on the treadmill only to glance up and realize it’s only been five minutes and you’re huffing like the wolf in the little piggy nursery tale. Oh what’s that? Your boss noticed you were struggling but just shuffled past your cubicle with nary even a glance in your direction, he’s not phased, his cup of coffee is twice the size of yours anyways.

You stand up, peak around the office and notice you’re not alone. The pale faces of your coworkers is more reminiscent of the latest episode of The Walking Dead which you completely missed thanks to that stupid deadline some executive set for Monday morning completely ruining your Sunday plans to sit on your couch in your pajamas with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked frozen yogurt, blinds closed, dog gently begging for a bit, and zero F’s to give. “Is nothing sacred anymore?” you ask yourself as you sink back down into your knock-off Herman Miller chair and give it a swirl. For about one fifth of one second you felt like a kid again as the spin of the chair magically erased your cares and worries like they were sucked into a mammoth black hole never to retu– “oh shit an email? seriously?”. “Don’t people know it’s Friday for the love of our dark lord and master Cthulu!”

You start day dreaming about battling dragons on a planet far off in the galaxy with your own lightsaber sword of colored light that looks nothing like a saber at all and somehow doesn’t emit any heat burning the person who wields it. You give chase to the dragon deep inside of his cave when you realize it has kids, just like you, oh shit – you’ve gone soft. 10 years ago you would have lobbed off this metaphors head by now and emerged victorious to the applause of everyone outside and the affection of people who have a different ‘gender identity’ than you. Ugh, yeah you can’t even say opposite sex anymore, everything’s a pc choice now. Your mind starts to wander in this cave as the dragon shoots a fireball in your direction, it roars towards you making the walls of the cave glimmer – “PC” the word reminds you of something.

Another beep. Oh shit, that’s right. Your email inbox is getting hammered more than your best friend in college on dollar beer night at the local dive. “What the heck is going on?”. You snap back to reality right as the dragon’s fireball hits you. Physical pain is nothing like the regret of not slaying that dragon right now, what could be so important that your email keeps going off. You take a glance, all calendar alerts. Oh yeah, you were supposed to publish a blog post about work motivation. You look up at the clock, 11:42 am your boss now glancing over at your from the top rim of his glasses. Better whip up something quick and make it look good.

If you’re losing motivation on friday take my advice. Turn on this playlist, slay the dragon, and rock out the rest your day. The weekend starts in only 5 hours…

Joe Youngblood

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Joe Youngblood is a top Dallas SEO, Digital Marketer, and Marketing Theorist. When he's not working with clients or writing about marketing he spends time supporting local non-profits and taking his dogs to various parks.

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