How to Add DNS Prefetch Tags to Shopify

Last updated on May 14th, 2021 at 03:35 pm

Update: GTmetrix has removed the YSlow tab from the default analysis section and along with it the DNS Lookups audit which revealed what domains you should be pre-fetching. This article was updated to include how to get back to these legacy options.

DNS-Prefetch tags are meta tags that can make it appear to users that your website is loading faster than it really is. This is because dns-prefetch commands a browser to ‘fetch’ the DNS information for any third party domains used to display content on a page.

A dns-prefetch tag looks like this
dns-prefetch example

1. Finding Domains to Prefetch

Before you can add any dns-prefetch tags you’ll need to know what 3rd party domains you want to prefetch. You’ll want to examine your theme for any existing dns-prefetch tags and then use a tool to figure out what third party domains your theme loads content from.

Finding what domains you currently have pre-fetched:
Many Shopify themes come equipped with dns-prefetch tags. Some of the most commonly used are;,,,,, and To determine which ones you already have simply open your website in a Chrome browser and hit ctl+U to view the source. Use ctl+F and type “dns-prefetch” into your find on page box. This should highlight what, if any, dns-prefetch tags you currently use. Here’s a look at the one’s on my blog as of writing:

dns-prefetch tag example

Finding what domains you should add to dns-prefetch:
Finding domains to prefetch is simple as well. To do this we’ll be using the tool GTMetrix and examining our test Shopify website,

Using GTMetrix to find these domains is easy.

First make a free account

Then copy and paste your domain into the box on the homepage where it says “Enter URL to Analyze…”
gtmetrix homepage box

Before we start the analysis we want to toggle the legacy report back on to make it easier to find our excessive DNS requests. Click on the “Analysis Options” button below the “analyze” button.
analysis options gtmetrix

In the options click the toggle button next to “Legacy Report” so that the button reads ‘On’.
gtmetrix legacy report on

Now click the “Analyze” button. This will start the analysis which takes approximately 30 seconds to a minute to complete.
gtmetrix analyzing

Once the analysis finishes click on the “YSlow” tab below.
yslow tab on gtmetrix

This tab will show quite a few sections, look for and click on the one that says “Reduce DNS Lookups”. Most often all third-party domains that place content on your website will be found here.

reduce dns lookups screenshot gtmetrix

2. Format the domains into DNS-Prefetch Tags

Since the DNS prefetch tags don’t actually speed up the page’s load time (by large amounts), tools like GTMetrix won’t stop warning you about the DNS lookups. That means this list should be the full list of third-party domains that you need to make prefetch tags for.

First see if any of these are one’s you found earlier when you look at the code of your website. If so, you’ll go ahead and ignore than and instead build prefetch tags for the rest. To do this I usually start by copying the text from GTMetrix into a Notepad document or Notepad++

gtmetrix dns to notepad

Now start editing these to be DNS-prefetch tags. To do this you’ll add a bit of code before the start of your domain and at the end.

You’ll add this code at the start
example dns-pretech code first part

And this code at the end
example dns-prefetch end of code

It’s important to note that you’re replacing both https:// and http:// with just the two slashes while maintaining the subdomain. Examples becomes // and becomes // and becomes //

Since we’ve copied the text from GTMetrix, they’ve actually stripped out the http:// and https://, you’ll want to make sure that you add the // in front of the domains when writing the code. I’ve taken the above example and done half of them so you can see what they look like done and ready to go (at the top) and raw text from GTMetrix (at the bottom).

dns-prefetch notepad example

And here is what it looks like after we’ve completed them all
dns-prefetch tag html code example

3. Adding the DNS-Prefetch Tags to Shopify

Now that you’ve made your dns-prfetch tags you’re ready to add them to your website. This part may be a little trickier than the others and remember you’ll be editing your website live so be very careful.

To add DNS Prefetch tags to a Shopify store you’ll need to edit the Theme.Liquid file. You can get to this by going to Online Store > Themes > Customize > Theme Actions > Edit Code > Theme.Liquid

Find a place high up in the HEAD section to place your code. I like to place mine just after the Viewport meta tag. Copy the finished code from your Notepad and paste it into your Theme.Liquid file. You can see what this looks like below.

dns prefetch tags on shopify in theme.liquid

Once the code is in place click the “save” button in the upper right-hand corner. Now go check your site and make sure it loads properly. You may notice it appears to load much faster now and your customers should notice the same thing.

Joe Youngblood

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Joe Youngblood is a top Dallas SEO, Digital Marketer, and Marketing Theorist. When he's not working with clients or writing about marketing he spends time supporting local non-profits and taking his dogs to various parks.

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