Artificial Intelligence Predictions for SEO in 2024

I used various A.I. systems to predict what would be important or change for SEO in 2024. Each one used different sources and came up with different content. The differences were a bit surprising considering they basically all use OpenAI’s GPT, in terms of formatting and end result.

As an SEO agency it is important for us to always stay ahead of search engines versus trying to always play catch up, as such we also provide Futurology Consulting to help clients predict future changes in consumer behavior or their markets.

If you don’t want to read these here’s the ChatGPT one on X / Twitter:

Top Predictions by Each AI System
Bing Chat


Can LLM-based AI accurately predict the future? Or more correctly, can it identify online content attempting to predict the future and then discern which of those are most likely to take place? This would of course be an incredibly valuable way to use A.I. if it worked and allowed businesses to get in front of market changes. Of course, it will also take a bit of time to prove right or wrong.

To start this experiment off I waited until most if not all SEO publications and ‘thought leaders’ had produced their annual predictions for changes coming to the SEO industry in 2024. I then made simple requests of various AI systems to give me predictions in ways that would mimic the potential use of more general consumers versus a marketer or executive funneling a lot of specific data into an LLM-based AI system. The AI systems were asked to produce predictions and to cite their sources.

The results are fascinating and obviously inconclusive (for now). All 3 systems I tested used OpenAI’s LLM engines (mostly GPT-4 or GPT-3.5turbo) and all turned in different lists with different top predictions and citations.

Bing Chat I think produced a great list of predictions and included extremely recent citations, but it also gave me sources that it didn’t use in its predictions and used some sources I would not recommend. I love that it includes links and citations though. Solid win for the web here.

ChatGPT produced probably the most reliable predictions and was easily copy and pasted with little formatting issues here, however, when asked to cite sources it would just tell me that it was based on broad consensus from reliable SEO experts and publications. When I asked it to help me determine what that meant it refused to rank publications or SEO (people), I then tricked it into doing so using a hypothetical ranking system for illustration purposes, but then it claimed it did not consider content from these people and brands for it’s rankings or in the way the hypothetical ranking system was built.

WriteAI, an AI content generation system owned by us with teamwork tools built-in, produced a great list that could be published as a blog post, but had some formatting and grammar issues (left in to show the exact output was not edited). It did cite its work but only in general and did not cite specific links or documents. This is something we will keep working on improving for the tool.

Top Predictions by Each AI System

The top 3 predictions by each AI system. Notes that are italicized and in parenthesis are added by me to help summarize the prediction and clarify it.

Number 1 SEO Prediction for 2024

  • ChatGPT’s #1 SEO Prediction: Increased Focus on User Experience (UX)
  • WriteAI’s #1 SEO Prediction: Voice Search Will Dominate
  • Bing Chat’s #1 SEO Prediction: Zero-click searches (will increase)

Number 2 SEO Prediction for 2024

  • ChatGPT’s #2 SEO Prediction: Voice Search Optimization (will be crucial)
  • WriteAI’s #2 SEO Prediction: AI-Driven Content Creation (will be used by businesses at scale)
  • Bing Chat’s #2 SEO Prediction: Linkless mentions (will have higher impact on SEO rankings)

Number 3 SEO Prediction for 2024

  • ChatGPT’s #3 SEO Prediction: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (will be used by search engines more)
  • WriteAI’s #3 SEO Prediction: Video Optimization Will Be Key
  • Bing Chat’s #3 SEO Prediction: Authenticity and unique content (will be key)


(used GPT-4)
1. Increased Focus on User Experience (UX): Google and other search engines are continuously updating their algorithms to prioritize user experience.

This includes website speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall usability.

In 2024, we can expect even more sophisticated metrics to measure UX.

2. Voice Search Optimization: As smart speakers and voice-activated devices become more prevalent, optimizing for voice search will be crucial.

This might include focusing on natural language processing and long-tail keywords that mimic spoken queries.

3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning will continue to play a significant role in SEO.

Search engines might use these technologies to better understand user intent and provide more relevant search results.

SEO strategies may need to adapt to these AI-driven changes.

4. Video Content Optimization: With the growing popularity of video content on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, optimizing video content for search engines will become increasingly important.

5. Local SEO and Personalization: As search engines get better at understanding user context and location, local SEO and personalized search results will become more prominent.

Businesses will need to focus on local search optimization to stay competitive.

6. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness): Google’s emphasis on the quality of content, as reflected in its E-A-T guidelines, will likely continue to be a key factor in ranking.

This means more focus on producing high-quality, authoritative content.

7. SEO for Featured Snippets and Other SERP Features: Optimizing for featured snippets, knowledge panels, and other search engine results page (SERP) features will be crucial as these elements often capture significant user attention.

8. Sustainability and Ethical Practices: There might be a growing trend towards sustainable and ethical SEO practices, reflecting broader societal shifts towards environmental and social responsibility.

9. Increased Mobile Optimization: As mobile internet usage continues to outpace desktop usage, mobile-first indexing and optimization will become even more important.

10. Integration with Other Digital Marketing Strategies: SEO will increasingly be integrated with other digital marketing strategies like social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing for a more holistic approach.

11. Semantic Search Advancements: Search engines are likely to become even more sophisticated in understanding the context and semantics behind user queries.

This means a shift from traditional keyword-focused content to more natural, conversational content that aligns with user intent and context.

12. Augmented Reality (AR) and SEO: As AR technology advances, we might see new opportunities for integrating AR into SEO strategies.

For instance, businesses could optimize their AR applications or content to appear in relevant search results, particularly in industries like retail, real estate, and education.

13. Increased Importance of Visual Search: With advancements in image recognition and machine learning, visual search could become more prominent.

Optimizing images and other visual content for search engines, and ensuring they’re indexed correctly, will be increasingly important.

14. Privacy and Data Protection in SEO: With growing concerns about data privacy and the implementation of regulations like GDPR and CCPA, search engines might place more emphasis on privacy-friendly SEO practices.

This could impact how data is collected, used, and stored in SEO activities.

15. Integration of SEO with Emerging Technologies: SEO might start integrating more deeply with emerging technologies like blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G.

This integration could lead to new ways of optimizing content and experiences for these technologies, affecting how businesses approach SEO.


(used “Brilliant” setting)

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses looking to maintain a strong online presence. As we look towards 2024, it’s important to consider what trends and changes may impact SEO strategies in the coming years. In this blog post, we will explore the top 20 SEO predictions for 2024 based on industry insights and expert analysis.

1. Voice Search Will Dominate: With advancements in natural language processing and voice recognition technology, it is predicted that by 2024, more than half of all searches will be conducted through voice commands. This shift will require businesses to optimize their content for conversational queries and long-tail keywords.

2. AI-Driven Content Creation: Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are expected to play a significant role in content creation by generating high-quality, relevant material at scale. Businesses should invest in AI-powered writing platforms to streamline their content production process while maintaining quality standards.

3. Video Optimization Will Be Key: The popularity of video content continues to rise, making video optimization an essential aspect of SEO strategy moving forward into 2024. Optimizing videos with descriptive titles, tags, and transcripts will improve visibility on search engines like Google and YouTube.

4. Mobile-First Indexing Becomes Standard: By 2021 mobile-first indexing had become standard practice across major search engines such as Google due to increasing mobile usage rates globally; therefore optimizing websites primarily for mobile devices has never been more critical

5. Local Search Emphasis Grows Stronger: Localized searches have seen steady growth over recent years thanks largely due increased use smartphones which allow users find nearby services or products quickly so ensuring your business appears prominently local listings becomes increasingly vital

6. Social Media Signals Impact Rankings More Significantly : Social media signals continue influence rankings significantly thus having active social media presence engaging audience regularly can positively affect website’s performance SERPs

7. E-A-T Remains Crucial Ranking Factor: E-A-T(Expertise Authority Trustworthiness) remains pivotal ranking factor according latest updates from google algorithm hence creating authoritative trustworthy well-researched contents imperative achieving higher rankings

8. Core Web Vitals Become Essential Metrics : Core web vitals set metrics measure user experience site including loading speed interactivity visual stability these factors directly impact overall page rank future focusing improving core web vitals paramount importance

9. Increased Focus On User Experience(UX):User experience plays integral part determining website’s success UX encompasses various elements including navigation design accessibility load times providing seamless enjoyable browsing experiences visitors key retaining attracting new audiences

10. Rise Of Featured Snippets And Zero Click Searches: The prevalence featured snippets zero click searches steadily risen past few years trend likely continue grow prominence throughout next several years thus optimizing contents appear snippet boxes becoming increasingly important

11. Long-form Content Dominates Short-form Posts Long form posts tend perform better terms engagement conversion rates compared shorter counterparts longer articles provide depth value readers also signal authority expertise subject matter eyes algorithms

12. Schema Markup Adoption Increases Schema markup provides additional context information about webpage helps search engines understand its relevance users adoption schema markup anticipated increase dramatically among marketers publishers alike enhance organic visibility

13. AI-Powered Personalization Revolutionizes Marketing personalization powered artificial intelligence revolutionize way brands interact customers personalized recommendations tailored messaging create hyper-targeted campaigns drive customer acquisition retention efforts

14. Blockchain Technology Impacts Digital Advertising Blockchain technology poised disrupt digital advertising space offering transparency security ad transactions eliminating middlemen reducing fraud enhancing privacy protection advertisers consumers expect see widespread integration blockchain within marketing ecosystem

15. Voice Commerce Takes Center Stage Rise smart speakers virtual assistants led surge voice commerce trend projected gain even traction upcoming years shopping via vocal commands presents unique opportunities challenges retailers need adapt accommodate changing consumer behaviors

16. Visual Search Transforms E-commerce Landscape Visual searching allows users upload images retrieve related results offers convenient shopping experience e-commerce sites anticipate seeing greater adoption visual technologies help shoppers find exactly they’re looking faster easier

17. Video Continues Reign Supreme Video consumption shows signs slowing down fact viewers prefer watching reading makes clear medium remain dominant force digital landscape foreseeable future companies leverage power storytelling engage connect audiences effectively

18. AR VR Redefine Customer Experiences Augmented reality virtual offer immersive interactive experiences consumers retail travel industries already leveraging technologies showcase products simulate environments attract retain customers expect see broader applications AR VR across sectors

19. Data Privacy Regulations Shape Online Practices Growing concerns data privacy lead stricter regulations governing collection usage personal information organizations must comply ensure ethical responsible handling sensitive data failure do could result severe penalties damage reputation brand

20. Content Quality Trumps Quantity Finally focus shifts away churning large volumes mediocre low-quality pieces favor producing fewer but highly valuable informative entertaining materials prioritizing substance style enable brands stand amidst noise competition establish thought leadership positions respective niches

These predictions are based on current industry trends research findings from reputable sources such as Moz, Search Engine Journal, HubSpot, and Forbes. It’s essential for businesses to stay informed about potential developments within the field of SEO in order to adjust and refine their strategies accordingly to maximize the effectiveness of their ongoing efforts and achieve optimal results in a competitive landscape that is constantly evolving.

Bing Chat

(used “more balanced”)

SEO is a rapidly evolving field, and it’s always challenging to predict the future. However, here are some of the top SEO predictions for 2024:

1. Zero-click searches: Zero-click searches are becoming more popular, where users receive all the information they need from a SERP (search engine results page) without clicking on any results. This trend will likely continue in 2024 with the advent of Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) and other AI-generated search features ¹.

2. Linkless mentions: Quality backlinks play a significant role in determining a site’s ranking on SERPs. However, there is a predicted shift towards ‘linkless’ mentions, where the mere mention of a brand can contribute to its SEO value ³.

3. Authenticity and unique content: Authenticity, unique content, and personal experience will be the key to ranking in 2024. Even if unique content doesn’t rank right away due to the lack of immediate authority and topical authority, the content will start ranking with time ².

4. Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE): Google’s SGE will go live sometime in early 2024, and it’ll likely change the search engine landscape as we know it. SGE provides AI-powered Snapshots for some queries, which will directly answer user’s questions and provide detailed information for queries – alongside 3 relevant online sources. SGE will cause a 25% drop in traffic for all websites ¹.

5. Local SEO: Local SEO standards will continue to change in 2024, albeit not in a predictable pattern ⁴.

6. Voice search optimization: Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and it’s predicted that by 2024, **50% of all searches will be voice-based** ⁵. Therefore, optimizing content for voice search will become a crucial aspect of SEO in 2024.

7. Video and image optimization: Video and image optimization will become more important in 2024. Google’s SGE will provide users with more visual content, and it’s predicted that **70% of all online content will be video-based** by 2024 ⁶.

8. Personalized, user-focused content: Personalized content will become more important in 2024. Google’s SGE will provide users with personalized content based on their search history and preferences ⁵. Therefore, creating user-focused content will be crucial for SEO in 2024.

9. Mobile-first indexing: Google has already started mobile-first indexing, and it’s predicted that by 2024, **all websites will be indexed based on their mobile version** ⁷. Therefore, optimizing websites for mobile devices will be crucial for SEO in 2024.

10. AI-powered content: AI-powered content will become more prevalent in 2024. AI-generated content will be used to create personalized content for users, and it’s predicted that **60% of all online content will be AI-generated** by 2024 ⁶.

I hope these predictions help you understand the future of SEO better. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

These are some of the predictions for SEO in 2024. However, it’s important to note that these are just predictions, and the future of SEO is always uncertain.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/29/2023
(1) Zero Click Search, SGE, and AI: Top SEO Predictions for 2024.
(2) The Crystal Ball of SEO: Unraveling the Predictions for 2024.
(3) SEO Predictions for 2024: What To Expect From Google & How To Succeed.
(4) How often do local citation standards change and what can we expect for ….
Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/29/2023
(5) 2024 SEO and Content Trends: Top Predictions from 27 Industry Experts.
(6) This Month: Graphic Design Trends in 2024, SEO Predictions and More!.
(7) 2023 Google Algorithms & SEO’s Future: Powerful Predictions For 2024.
(8) Google’s John Mueller: SEO Will Not Die In H1 2024.
(9) 6 SEO Trends for 2024 You Should Know –

Featured photo via Midjourney AI prompt = “3 A.I. systems talking to each other about the future of SEO –v 6 –ar 16:9 (variation #17)

Joe Youngblood

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Joe Youngblood is a top Dallas SEO, Digital Marketer, and Marketing Theorist. When he's not working with clients or writing about marketing he spends time supporting local non-profits and taking his dogs to various parks.

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