Archives: Glossary


Indexing verb When a search engine stores the information it found while crawling websites and documents, and then organizes that information for retrieval by the algorithms used by the search engine to perform ranking calculations and other tasks. “According to my server logs all of the main search...

Key Performance Indicator

Key Performance Indicator other versions: KPI noun Any metric or measurable figure that is closely aligned to an end goal and can be used to understand how well marketing activities are aiding in achieving that goal. “Our key performance indicators are pointing to strong quarterly growth in new...

Link Building

Link Building verb The act of gaining new links from another website through means of persuasion, payment, or obtaining them naturally. Link Building is done because of Google’s PageRank algorithm which underlays their overall ranking algorithm. The idea is that a new link from a good website to...

Link Value

Link Value noun Any measurement of numerical value applied to a hypertext link between two web documents. other versions: link juice, link authority, link power, backlink power, backlink value, backlink authority The link value from that news article has increased since it was published because more news outlets...


Linkerati noun These are people or businesses on the internet who are most likely to link to a website, webpage, or document. Linkerati include journalists, bloggers, forum users, webmasters, department heads, and content creators. Essentially anyone who has ever published a link to a website, webpage, or document...

Local Pack

Local Pack noun A set of business listings inside of standard Google search results often in groups of 3, but sometimes in groups of 2 businesses that match a users search query. These results are pulled from Google Maps and are obtained by creating a Google My Business...


Memevertising noun The act of using a meme to advertise a commercial product or service. “The memevertising agency created various versions of Bad Luck Brian, U Mad Bro, and Doge memes to advertise the pizza place down the street.” History First coined by Joe Youngblood in 2012. Source:...

Organic Search

Organic Search noun The part of a search engine that is unpaid and is earned by a website. “Our website ranks number 5 out of 10 million pages in organic search, that’s a big achievement.”


Platform noun Any website, mobile app, SaaS, or other digital application which allows the public to own accounts that provide data which can be extracted for personal use and/or which acts like a marketplace for businesses or people to peddle wares and services to earn revenue inside of...

Predatory SEO

Predatory SEO noun A service provider or other malicious actor with administrator access granted to them by a website owner or business that abuses this access to a website in order to use keywords in the website’s copy to build links to their own site or otherwise abuse...